We’re Rachi and Monica and we met as young moms in New York City. We realized we had a lot in common—we both had happa (half-Asian) babies and we bonded over our love of Asian food. As Chinese-Americans, we both grew up eating dumplings. So many dumplings. We also grew up making dumplings, usually with our families. Some of our happiest memories are of simple tasks like rolling dough, mixing filling, and crimping edges.
This was an experience we wanted to share with our children, but as busy working moms, we didn’t always have time to make Asian food from scratch. (Monica worked in sustainable food and hospitality, and Rachi was an investment banker.) As our happa children grew (they now play little league), the food we made and ate at home evolved into a new kind of Chinese food made with ingredients found in our American pantries. The cuisine taking shape on our dinner tables was delicious, unique, and fuss-free. Before long, we knew we had to share.

When we launched Happa Kitchen, there was no question about where we would start: dumplings! But there’s a twist. Our dumpling recipes are happa to reflect who we are and how we eat with our mixed families today. We swapped out some Chinese ingredients for American ones; we introduced some Korean and Japanese flavors. Before long, we had laid the groundwork for an entirely new tradition that still has roots in the kitchens of our childhood.